
Factorio map viewer
Factorio map viewer

  • slow() - return to slow-start mode (dumping on return from every event temporarily).
  • The profiler also provides a remote inteface profiler with the following functions: Mods may recognize the this mode by the presence of the global variable _Profiler.

    factorio map viewer

    Flamegraph, higlighting and rulers are also provided to assist in finding hotspots. This mode does not provide stepping or inspection, but instead provides inline timing/hitcount data for every line and function executed in control stage. In Factorio >= 0.18.27, you can set "hookMode": "profile" to enable profiling.

    factorio map viewer

    _fineGlobal(name) can be used to disable this warning for the given name.

  • Global Assignment: A warning will be issued on the first assignment to an undefined global variable.
  • The debugger also injects diagnostics into all hooked mods: If VSCode has write access to the dir, it will create this automatically. If you use a Steam install, a file steam_appid.txt with content 427520 in the same dir as the factorio binary is required. If Zip File Explorer is also installed, breakpoints and stepping will work inside zipped mods. Running without Instrument Mode will disable break-on-exception. If you need to use debugging without Instrument mode, you can set useIntrumentMode:false in launch.json and include a require for the debugadapter at the top of the appropriate stage file (control, data, settings) while debugging: require('_debugadapter_/a') Data and Settings stage hooks can be enabled in launch.json, as well as filtering which mods hooks are installed in for Control stage.

    factorio map viewer

    In Factorio >=0.18.10, Instrument Mode is used by default to enable debugging automatically in control stage.

  • Press the green 'play' button or F5 to start debugging.
  • Check Intellisense for additional launch options.
  • Adjust the paths and launch settings as required.
  • factorio map viewer

  • Select the debug environment "Factorio Mod Debug".
  • Switch to the run/debug view (View->Run) and select "create a launch.json file".
  • Install the Factorio Mod Debug extension in VS Code.
  • It supports breakpoints, stepping, variable access, and the debug console. This is a debug adapter for developing Factorio mods.

    Factorio map viewer